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HPMG Salesforce Project

I have worked with numerous companies in the healthcare space including, BCBS and Humana. Work includes discovery sessions, persona development, user stories, process flows, wireframes and overall strategy.

These are large scale projects including stakeholders and are performed with a high level of attention to detail. I hold a Salesforce developer certification and UX certification from Designlab.

Most of this work is confidential but please reach out for more information.

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Problem & Approach

Problem & Approach

Various research methods were utilized for this project as input was needed from the current user base on the existing product, as well as the future product for proper user testing.

The problem we were looking to solve and validate with the user research was, how to empower physicians to utilize the platform for optimal efficiency and productivity. Primarily by increasing ease of use, showing more visual data and making the navigation more user friendly.

I put together a strategy to solve this in multiple ways:

Improve dashboard analytics to have the most important information front and center upon log in.

Create a better flow through the platform by utilizing Salesforce’s Newport design system to enhance visibility on key analytics and user tasks.

Design a new Communications page for Physicians to increase their connectivity with the community and share resources.

Research Methods and Results

Research Methods and Results

After an initial discovery period was conducted which included gathering of materials (persona docs) and some competitor analysis, we started our Qualitative research.

This was done via open ended questions to 10 participants. These were physicians within the network who were already using the platform.

We wanted to validate the problems we were trying to solve and gain new insights into potential design solutions.

The feedback from these interviews were used to create user journeys on how these personas would interact with the Salesforce product based on the proposed new flow.

9 out of the 10 participants had aligned responses in regards to their major pain points in using the product. This was more than enough to validate our assumptions and move forward with the appropriate Salesforce build.

These consisted of:

-Poor navigation through the platform

-Unable to easily find relevant data and content they need

-Limited communication options internally

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

During the prototype stage we conducted some usability testing via a System Usability Scale. This is a more Quantitative approach to gathering user feedback after getting their hands on the proposed product solution.

This was a standard survey with 10 questions ranging from Strongly disagree to Strongly agree. We had 30 users participate in the survey and all noted an improved functionality, appearance and ease of use through the platform.


We focused on the Task Success Rate during the user testing which gave us a percent on:

Number of correctly completed tasks/Total Number of attempts

We looked at the navigation from the homepage to completing an intake form. We ended up having a 80% completion rate, which the stakeholders were very pleased with.



On many Salesforce projects, the research piece of the UX process tends to get neglected.

Generally, this is due to a misalignment on the assumptions of the user needs without proper validation.

I saw the need for User Research on this project and insisted that it be conducted as part of the UX deliverables.

In the end, the results proved that the focus on an improved intake flow, content restructuring of the dashboard and more efficient communication channels were indeed correct. However, better to have confirmation up front rather than spend additional hours later on designing backwards.

The problems of ease of use, dashboard analytics and overall navigation were solved via the Salesforce design solution.

Post deployment, we saw a 60% increase in intake flow submissions measured through Salesforce analytics.

Overall, I thought the research piece was well received and helped in forming the final designs for this project.